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12-09-2009, 12:50 | Dominik T.
Neuigkeiten von CARL ABRAHAMSSON (COTTON FEROX)Der Schwede CARL ABRAHAMSSON, Musiker, Photograph, Okkultist, alter Kollaborateur von GENESIS P'ORRIDGE bzw. PSYCHIC TV, THE HAFLER TRIO, ANTON LAVEY, IDEE DES NORDENS und bekannt durch seine eigenen Projekte WHITE STAINS, COTTON FEROX, TAN TRICK oder sein Buchverlag LOOKING GLASS PRESS bzw. PSYCHICK RELEASE (TOPY Sweden) etc. pp. verkündet Neuigkeiten. Er eröffnet einen kleinen Privatmailorder, bei dem man in Zukunft kleine Spezialauflagen von COTTON FEROX bestellen kann, aktuell improvisierte Zusammenarbeiten mit GENESIS BREYER P'ORRIDGE, BARDOSENETICCUBE und KRYPTOGEN RUNDFUNK. CARL ABRAHAMSSON: Today I'm launching a brand new site, www.edda.se.
It's basically a sales channel for stuff that I put out. And this is really the real piece of news: "Edda Grammofon", another new project, will release limited edition records and "Edda Bokförlag" will publish books. Lots of good stuff in the pipeline, that's all I'll say about that for now. ;)
Please take a look at:
... And see if you find something of interest. And please sign up for the newsletter, so you won't miss out on any forthcoming goodies.
Not only do I release two new Cotton Ferox records today via edda.se, but there's also a thorough autumn cleaning of the archives. Note Bene: Super-rare Swedish LaVey- and Crowley editions for sale, as well as copies of the ultra-scarce Hafler Trio-anthology I published way back in 1991 – WHILE THEY LAST!
I will keep adding brand new as well as new used items, so do keep coming back from time to time...
Thank you for your attention!
Best wishes,
Carl, Stockholm
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