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24-06-2011, 21:50 | Michael We.
Alben von UFOMAMMUT neu veröffentlichtAuf SUPERNATURAL CAT werden Mitte Juli einige CDs aus dem Backkatalog von UFOMAMMUT wiederveröffentlicht, der italienischen Doom-Prog-Metalband. (Eine Aufzählung weiterer Genres entfällt aus Platzgründen.) Außerdem sind UFOMAMMUT im Juli, August und September auf Tour, u.a. als Support von NEUROSIS. Solotermine in Deutschland siehe NONPOP-Kalender.
Wortlaut Pressemitteilung: Supernatural Cat are relaunching some of their back-catalogue via SRD so any awareness you can raise would be much appreciated. It would be great to let people know that these records are going to be available again. Here is all the information: UFOMAMMUT - Lucifer Songs (18 July) After amazing both public and critics with two seminal albums and live acts all around Europe which manage to combine the violence of Neurosis with the psychedelia of the more visionary Pink Floyd, Ufomammut are back in 2006 with a new record which opens in some ways unexpected paths. “Lucifer Songs” is the result of a mature and well knit band willing to experiment while maintaining its dna. The flaming spatial ridings, which made their second full lenght “Snailking” a classic, remain as an indelible brand, but alongside we find development of new soundscapes made up of sinister atmospheres and gloomy sounds of vintage electronics. Lucifer Songs is a powerful wall of sound while at the same time untrinsically dreaming, it's a record able to hypnotize and spellbind the listener with obsessive dilatations approaching drone music. UFOMAMMUT - Idolum (18 July) First out in 2008, Idolum is a the 4th album of Ufomammut and it's a new chapter in the sonic history of the band, presenting a sensible evolution in the sound and in the structure of the songs: dark atmospheres, simple and mastodontic song frameworks, a different idea of psichedelic rock. Idolum is a latin word meaning “ghost” and “idea” at the same time, representing the massive but hidden presence as the main concepts of the album. Rose kemp astonishing voice will be guest in“Ammonia” while Lorenzer of Lento has provided powerful sonic waves on “elephantom” with his six strings UFOMAMMUT - Eve (18 July) “EVE” is the fifth album of Ufomammut. Recorded at Locomotore Studio in Roma by Lorenzo Stecconi (Soundlord on Idolum), “Eve” is a 45 minutes long single track developing in 5 main movements. Passing through the massive atmospheres of Idolum and filtered by the mastodontic riffs of Snailking, “Eve” is a new step in the sonic adventure of Ufomammut, another level in the band's sound research. The album is a homage to Eve, the first Woman on Earth, and the rebellion to her creator for bringing knowledge to Mankind. LINE UP: POIA: Guitars, Synths URLO: Bass, Vocals, Synths, Fx VITA: Drummer of Ufomammut Verweise
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