23-10-2014, 10:58 | Michael We.
Nach langer Pause: DESERTED VILLAGE mit 3 VÖsNach längerer Pause taucht DESERTED VILLAGE aus Irland (u.a. die Heimat von UNITED BIBLE STUDIES) wieder mit neuen Veröffentlichungen auf, hier die Infos:
TARRACÓIR ~ GROWTH Tarracóir (pron. tah-ra-core) is Gaelic for Tractor - think Grindcore, Hardcore (but never Normcore!) and a gravitation pulling you in..... Tarracóir formed in Dublin where the three had played together for years in United Bible Studies. Tarracóir was formed to create something more primitive & brutal, something "pure ignorant". Tarracóir is an antidote to Western Culture's enfeebling denial of the irrational and cthonic parts of our nature. Tarracóir's genre is "Base Metal" - the listener is the alchemist. Listeners will hear Free Jazz, Death Metal and the blare & clatter of Tibetan Buddhist demon-chasing rituals. “GROWTH” consists of their first two gigs edited, collaged and overdubbed for max impact.
https://desertedvillage.bandcamp.com/album/growth THE SUNKEN HUM VOL. 1: FIELD RECORDINGS OF RHYTHMS & DRONES Gates creaking, cats meowing, rain playing rhythms on a tin roof: these are the sounds that make up The Sunken Hum. Centred around the wilds of Leitrim in the the northwest of Ireland, The Sunken Hum is a collection of field recordings captured by Natalia Beylis every day for one year.
https://desertedvillage.bandcamp.com/album/the-sunken-hum-vol-1-field-recordings-of-rhythms-drones WOVEN SKULL ~ FAT BABY BLUES Natalia Beylis is also one of the core trio that makes up Woven Skull. Since 2008 they've been gathering together in the Northwest of Ireland in a place called Leitrim which is known for its tales of ghosts, ‘tree folk’, underwater creatures and the constant battle calls of the ancient Tuatha De Danann that can be heard on Letirim's Iron Mountain. These are the surroundings and forces that influence the sound that Woven Skull creates: a contrast of minimal drones, repetition and psychedelic distorted riffs all layered in constant unconscious rhythms.
https://desertedvillage.bandcamp.com/album/fat-baby-blues Verweise
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