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05-11-2015, 13:55 | Michael We.

TOY BIZARRE auf 10inch-Serie von DRONE RECORDS

Neuigkeiten von DRONE RECORDS: Die 10inch-Serie SUBSTANTIA INNOMINATA findet mit der 22sten Folge ihre Fortsetzung:

* TOY BIZARRE - kdi dctb 180      10"   (Substantia Innominata SUB-22)  * € 15,00
Two phantastic transformative pieces created from field recordings made at a 'hidden place' in France: "It’s a place where you can feel there is something. There is a path deep in the woods, where, as a child, I used to run - walking was really too frightening there. Spent a lot of time there, trying to track down the essence of the place, trying to catch the unknown." [Cedric Peyronnet / toy bizarre]  Lim. 300 / clear vinyl

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Toy Bizarre