25-11-2015, 09:57 | Michael We.
DRIFT mit Debüt-Album auf AVANT!DRIFT legen auf AVANT! ein Debüt-Album vor, hier die Labelinfo:
Black Devotion is the debut release by new London‐based act DRIFT. Already founding member of the synth/wave trio Phosphor and currently in the shoegaze duo Leave The Planet, young and talented Nathalia Bruno started her own solo project once the band split up after theYouth and Immortality LP back in 2013. Listening to DRIFT one can tell now how much Nathalia influenced Phosphor back then and at the same time a personal evolution is clearly in full sight. Needless to say Depeche Mode and HTRK, Slowdive and Cocteau Twins exercise some influence here, but Nathalia is shaping her own way to those sounds that bands as Tropic Of Cancer and Northern Electronics’ Född Död have also been pursuing. There’s a brighter component to DRIFT’s music visible both in shiny tracks like Grave and Hard to Acceptas in the more ethereal Dreams in Silkscreen and Say it Right. Featuring six songs, Black Devotionmarks the birth of what Nathalia herself calls devotional synth. Purity in drifting. Out November 26 on 45rpm black 12” vinyl. |