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31-10-2005, 14:09 | Roy L.

LonsaiMaïkov sind zurück!

Nach A.C.T.U.S. und BOOK OF WISDOM ein weiteres überraschendes Comeback in diesem Jahr: das französische Kultprojekt LONSAIMAïKOV um den Traditionalisten Thierry Jolif  kehrt nach vier Jahren Abwesenheit auf die Musikbühne zurück. AUTRE QUE, die gerade erst ihr Debüt mit einer exquisiten EP von Ô PARADIS feierten, werden sehr bald das neue LONSAIMAïKOV Album herausgeben... 


Muzik That Burns Modernity...

Founded in 1988, as a laboratory to explore and experiment by an alchemical work of sounds the darker side of modernity through personal sensations…this first part of the work achieved, it was obvious that there was nothing more to explore, only modernity and its knots of vanity to fight against… which implied to fight against the knot of ego as well. Since the beginning, the engagement of LONSAIMAÏKOV (Lore's Onslaught Against Modernity And Its Knots Ov Vanity) for the defence of the primacy of spiritual principles opposed to the pan-materialism and atheism of the present world has always been total and has never faltered. A consequent discography, featuring many tape and cd albums, a couple of very limited 7", and several contributions to cult compilations ('L'Ordre et le Chaos', 'Mysteria Mithrae', 'Cavalcare la Tigre'…), as well as a few concerts in Brittany (notably in 1998 with Blood Axis) are the testimony of an active period that ended in 2001.

LONSAIMAÏKOV took profit of these last years to clarify their position and define more precisely their global approach of music and their aims. The traditional doctrine and its applications as only source of inspiration and (only) standard... but a musical expression conceived as objective and non-sentimentalist, refusing any personal emotional implication for the benefit of a systematic use of the 'active impersonality'. Today doctrine needs to be put into acts. This is what LONSAIMAÏKOV do. They expose Doctrine as Poetry.

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Lonsai Maikov Autre Que
doctrine lonsaimaiumlkov modernity