20-11-2005, 16:26 | Roy L.
HR!SPQR Newsletter
Dear Friends and enemies, We have a new section with pictures of HAURUCK! bands in our website...
Some news from HR!SPQR bands
SPECTRAE "Mantra Voluntatis" HR!SPQR VIII | CD | ltd. 1000 copies | January 2006 The long awaited new album of Ain Soph will be release as a solo project of the vocalist/guitarist Spectrae. One track feat. Albin Julius of Der Blutharsch!!!
CALLE DELLA MORTE In studio for the new album (Spring 2006) Some pictures of the last concert in London at Slimelight MP3 live from different concerts: Nessuna Remissione (live at La Notte HauRuck!, Vienna) Bambolina (live at the Slimelight, London)
THE GREEN MAN "The Teacher And The Man Of Lie" - CD | February/March 2006 An atmospheric glance at the Essene community of Qumran, when apocalypse was in the air and the Teacher of Righteousness and The Man of Lie each sought to bring mankind to salvation before the End Of Times. A follow up to the debut "From Irem To Summerisle", The Green Man offer an intricate concept album based on the Dead Sea Scrolls, weaving middle eastern imagery with western esoteric tradition.
requests to: info@hauruckspqr.com
Aut Caesar! Aut Nihil!
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