17-02-2006, 16:37 | Roy L.
Neues Album von His Divine Grace
HIS DIVINE GRACE - "Le Grand Secret"
Reue Um Reue (rur003) | CD in 3-Panel DigiPak 500 Kopien | Februar / März
"Triade des études de vulgarisation de la Pensée selon Sekens Murdock et Leontin Voigt Abilgaard"
Titel: Thèse - Sekens Murdock: Les Chevaux De Feu Les Gardiens Du Grand Secret Verbum, Lux Et Vita Le Voile Levé
Antithèse - Leontin Voigt Abilgaard: De La Nécessité De Se Taire Frayeurs Initiatiques Pourquoi... Toujours Pourquoi L'opposition Tacite Le Quatre-heure De Cristal
Synthèse Et Syncrétisme: Le Principe Immuable
Labelinfo: Inspired by the works of the Traditionalists and the lives and deaths of Sekens Murdock and Leontin V. Abilgaard, Moonchild Erik’s fourth CD album “Le Grand Secret” (The Great Secret) takes the shape of a metaphysical reflection on the deceptions of human language, in which Murdock and Abilgaard saw the main cause for the world of confusion we live in. Musically more accessible than “Eurydice” or “Reverse Aleph”, this very diverse new opus is the worthy successor of “Die Schlangenkönigin”, hovering from emotional soundscapes and spacy dub rhythms into gloomy, awe-inspiring drones with even noisy elements. An initiation through pure sound.
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