08-03-2007, 17:13 | Roy L.
Neues vom Argine-Label ARK Records
LILY'S PUFF - "Heaven Frowns"
ARK010 | CD in Digifile Vorbestellung an info@arkrecords.net
Titel: Prelude The Rope Distant Walking Under City Lights Kitchen Element All Same Words Serpentine A Song Kitchen Element Wake Up
Labelinfo: Lily’s Puff new journey continues searching new atmospheres and proving that, while time flows fast, even now we do not want to lie down on what we already obtained. Lily’s Puff style is already acknowledged even if this work is more oriented on more electronic sonorities. But we do not forget the piano and the guitars that are used simply in a different way. As always, the voice has a particular part and keeps unchanged its expressive strength. From here starts the new challenge with a never satisfied listener.
Line-up: Marco Fabro - Vocals Renzo Fanutti - Instruments & Programming Paolo Corberi - Instruments & Programming Simone Sari - Piano and Lyrics Virgina Boemo - Vocals on "Wake Up" and "All Same Words" Elisabetta Mauro - Vocals on "A Song" and "Prelude"
in Vorbereitung: ATARAXIA - "Kremasta Nera" | CD in DigiPak
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